Sundays at 10 a.m. ~ 禮拜日早10點


Whether you’ve grown up in church or have never been to church, we hope that Bethel will be a warm and welcoming place for you to learn with us about Jesus Christ and His significance for our lives today.

無論您是在教會長大還是从未去過教會,我们都希望伯特利能成为一个溫馨热情的地方, 讓您與我們一起了解耶穌基督以及祂對我們今天生活的意義。

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 6:23

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Next Events

Sunday Worship Service

Services are offered separately in English and Mandarin, except on the first Sunday of every month it is a bilingual English/Mandarin joint service with communion celebrated.

Silverstone Church Service

A ministry of song and encouragement for those in the Silverstone Extended Care facility in Sechelt.