Upcoming events are listed on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also show a Monthly Calendar. Events can be set to recur automatically with Church Content Pro.
Bible Study in Ephesians
A Precept Ministries Canada Bible study video series: EPHESIANS — THE CHURCH: ROOTED IN LOVE, WALKING IN POWERLecture Series by Pete De Lacy
Ladies Gathering
A ladies gathering for fellowship and to gain inspiration and encouragement from women in the Bible.
Sunday Worship Service
Services are offered separately in English and Mandarin, except on the first Sunday of every month it is a bilingual English/Mandarin joint service with communion celebrated.
Sermon on the Mount Growth Group
Bible study exploring Jesus’ sermon on the mount over 12 Sundays.
Silverstone Church Service
A ministry of song and encouragement for those in the Silverstone Extended Care facility in Sechelt.