The Bible (Old and New Testaments) is inspired by God and is without error in the original writings. It is the final authority in every area of a believer’s life.
God, the creator of all things, who exists eternally in three persons, is one:
The Father is a limitless Spirit, holy, supreme ruler of heaven and earth. He is worthy of all possible honour, faith and love;
The Son, Jesus the Christ, through His virgin birth became man without ceasing to be God. He was tempted and sinless, He died on the cross to save mankind from being condemned and eternally separated from God. He physically rose from the dead claiming victory over sin and death and ascended into heaven. He is the supreme authority and mediator of all believers. According to his promise He personally will return to earth, with power and great glory;
The Holy Spirit is active in the world. He convicts us of our need of God’s salvation. He is the active agent as we are born again. He indwells, empowers, leads, and guides believers into all truth so that they can be conforming to the image of the Son. He gifts all believers to serve the church and promote God’s Kingdom.
Mankind was divinely created in God’s image. However, all have sinned becoming guilty before God, are totally unable to save themselves from their lost condition and be reconciled to God.
Men’s eternal salvation and the promised abundant life of the believer are gifts of God. The only way to be saved is by grace and through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. His atoning blood was shed on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, giving us right standing before God, and declaring us righteous.
The purpose of the believer’s life is to:
Know, enjoy and serve God;
Be an active part of the Body of Christ;
Be an ambassador of Christ in the world.
The local church is a congregation of believers joined in covenant of faith and the fellowship of the gospel. The church practices two ordinances; (1) baptism by immersion of a believer as an act of obedience to the Lord and (2) communion, which is the remembrance of the Lord’s broken body and shed blood on the cross, using the symbols of bread and wine.
The fulfillment of God’s plan for this age is the personal, visible, imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ.