What we do inside the gathered church prepares us as Spirit-filled messengers outside the gathered church to live out and bring the good news to others.
We gather together for teaching, worship, fellowship, discipleship and encouragement, receiving spiritual formation and growth in both our corporate and individual walks with Jesus. We are sent out to be the hands, feet and voice of Christ, taking the gospel in a lifestyle that brings Christ to others in our words and deeds, moving out into our neighborhoods with the love of Christ actively participating in the mission of God. We respect and value the history of Bethel as a ‘lighthouse’ and that many have been attracted to the church and have come to faith in Christ. Our goal is not to be an attractional church, but that our vibrant faith in Jesus would act as salt and light to draw people to Jesus and to His church.
Through our existing relationships we are learning to say, “I would like to invite you to my church.” When we say this open-ended statement, we can initiate conversations about important spiritual matters, and if there is interest we can follow up with, “Come and see what my church is like.” Evangelism does not entirely rest upon pastors and staff. Everyone can do the work of an evangelist through our direct witness or by extending an invitation where we bring people to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ with the gathered church. We strive to live out our faith tangibly and to reach our community with the good news of Jesus Christ one person at a time.