愛主更深 (Love the LORD More Deeply)
約翰福音 21:15-23 (John 21:15-23)

末世情,感恩心 (Emotion at the World End With Grateful Heart)
太 24:3-14, 路 19:2-9 (Matthew 24:3-14, Luke 19:2-9)

墮落之後 (After the Fall)
創世紀 3:9, 4:6-7 (Genesis 3:9, 4:6-7)

Jesus is the Lion of Judah
Revelation 5:1-14

耶穌是基督 (Jesus is the Christ)
Message by Pastor Brian Carnahan; Speaker: Elder George Lee

Jesus is the Christ
Advent 2024 – Day 1

分別善惡樹 (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil)
創世紀 3:1-6 (Genesis 3:1-6)

The Greatest of These is Love
1 Corinthians-13:4-7